Richard Hall's Plain Text

Getting back to Plain Text

It's been a tough few months

I won't bore you with details, but I've been struggling since I wrote my last post on here. I think it had a lot to do with post-pandemic fatigue: I've just had no energy to do more than I really had to do. There's a lot of light at the end of the tunnel, though and in the last few weeks I've begun to feel like I can get my act together again.

I have re-etablished the habit of keeping and tracking a plain text 'to do' list and I've added a 'Daily' text file to my dropbox for unstructured journal-style writing every day. I have re-discovered the Micro text editor and for me, it's still the best tool for the job.

The most important breakthrough has been in terms of email. I got into some very bad habits and to be honest it was becoming a big problem. There were days when I could face opening my gmail pages (I use more than one email address) and that made things worse. It was completely irrational and I knew it. But I still couldn't face sorting it out.

The change came when I gave up on Google's workspace and adopted Thunderbird to manage my email. I don't know that I can explain why this change has made such a difference. I just know that it has. Since I made the change, every email that has come in has been dealt with appropriately and there is no reason to suppose I won't be able to keep it up: the resistance has gone!

I don't suppose that this is of any interest to anyone except me. But it seemed important to put it out there.


#email #micro #plain-text