Richard Hall's Plain Text

Self care

I think Herman has been busy moderating the new blogs here. Not only was I delighted that this little blog has been approved today, I also had the pleasure of discovering Learning with Lykha, which looks like it will be well worth following.

Their first post, How I learnt to enjoj my own company prompted a few thoughts about the importance of self-care. That's not the sort of subject that I'm really intending to deal with here, but it is rather too important to ignore.

The last two years have been really difficult. The impact of Covid-19 has been worldwide and, for the first time in most of our lives, the world has shared a collective experience. Yes, it has been much worse for some than for others, but to some extent we've all been affected, whichever continent we live on and no matter how wealthy we might be.

Lykha reminds us how important it is that we 'listen' to ourselves -- body, mind and spirit -- to make sure that we make time for those things that energise and heal us. For me, I know that I need to take time for prayer and meditation on scripture. I also need to take time to really notice what is around me. My way in to that is through the practice of photography and strangely enough, photography has become a part of my routine of prayer.

There is probably a lot that might be said about this, but for now I'll leave it there. Feel free to contact me if you want to pick up this as a conversation.